February 11, 2025


Fly Fishing – Arcadia

Arcadia is located on the outskirts of town, in the Jefferson National Forest.  Three mountain streams make up this area; Jennings Creek, Middle Creek and North Creek. There are daily creel limits and bait restrictions for all three creeks.

Peace and solitude sum up a day of fly fishing in these pristine trout waters. Add the Brook, Rainbow and Brown Trout stocked throughout the year and you’ve got some of the best trout waters in the state. There’s also a special regulation area further up North Creek, offering some good wild Brook and Rainbow trout opportunities (catch and release only).

This and more information can be found on the information kiosk, located just ¼ mile past the sign marking the entrance to the Jefferson National Forest.

License Requirements: State Fresh Water License, Trout License (only needed Oct 15 – June 15), and a National Forest Permit

James River Fishing

The Jackson and Cowpasture Rivers come together in the northern section of Botetourt County to create the James River, which then makes its way across the state to the Chesapeake Bay.

Botetourt County is home to 45 miles of the winding James river, and it combines fantastic fishing with the breathtaking scenery of the surrounding Alleghany and Blue Ridge Mountains.

Access Points

  • Arcadia – Directions: From Buchanan, N. Rt. 11, E. Rt. 614, 1 1/2 mi.
  • Buchanan – Directions: Town of Buchanan
  • Craig Creek – Directions: Under Rt. 220 Bridge at Rt. 683
  • Horseshoe Bend – Directions: From Buchanan. West on Rt. 43
  • Irongate – Directions: From Irongate, Rt. 220
  • Springwood – Directions: From Buchanan, Rt 43 North (3.5); L on Rt 630 to (1); to Rt 601



Arcadia Adventures, LLC
130 Arcadia Road, Buchanan, VA 24066
(540) 817-4624

Twin River Outfitters
653 Lowe Street, Buchanan, VA 24066
(540) 261-7334 |

Wilderness Canoe Company
631 James River Road, Natural Bridge Station, VA 24579
(540) 291-2295

Fishing Guides

Appalachian Bronzeback Adventures
(704) 467-1774 | appbronzebackadv@gmail.com

Blane Chocklett Fishing
(540) 354-5993 | bchocklett@comcast.net

Captain Josh Laferty
(540) 613-0850 | muskyguides@gmail.com

Dead Drift Outfitters
(540) 521-9214 | deaddriftva.com

John Roberts Fly Fishing
(540) 463-3235 | (800) 882-1145 | guide@vatrout.com

Rock-On Charters
Owner: Captain Ken Trail
(844) FISHNVA | rockoncharters.net

Local Gear Retailers

H&H Outdoors
17518 Main Street, Buchanan, VA 24066
(540) 254-2420 |