September 20, 2024

Privacy Policy FB

Welcome to Simply Buchanan Facebook page!

This page is not affiliated with the Government entity known as the Town of Buchanan or any of it’s staff or council members.

Information about this Facebook page

I operate this page to draw attention to Buchanan Virginia’s area attractions, shops, events and activities. This site is sponsored by my real estate company. Further information about me can been seen on my website at

As the operator of the Facebook page, I am not interested in the collection and further

processing of your individual personal data for analysis or marketing purposes. I do not collect your personal information to sell or give out to other companies.

The operation of this Facebook page, including the processing of a user’s personal data, is based

on my legitimate interests in a modern and supportive mean to inform and interact with

my users and visitors.

I am aware that Facebook processes user data for the following purposes:

  • Advertising (analysis, provision of personalized advertising),
  • creation of user profiles, and
  • market research.

Facebook uses cookies to store and further process this information, i.e. small text files that are

stored on the user’s various end devices. If the user has a Facebook profile and is logged in to it,

it is also stored and analyzed across devices.

Facebook’s privacy policy contains further information on data processing: https://

It is possible to opt out here:

Entities responsible for the operation of this Facebook page.

BK Roth
Buchanan, VA. 24066 USA

 Statistical data

Facebook’s so-called “Insights” provides statistical data of different categories for this page and

these statistics can be accessed by me. They are generated and provided by Facebook. As

the operator of this page, I have no influence on their generation and presentation. I

cannot disable this function or prevent the generation and processing of data. It is possible to

select a certain time range to display statistics for the categories of likes, subscribers, reached

persons and interacting persons to receive the following data from Facebook in relation to my

Facebook page:

Total number of page views, “Likes”, page activity, post interactions, reach, video views, post

reach, comments, shared content, answers, proportion of men and women, origin by country and

city, language, visits to and clicks in the shop, clicks on route planners, clicks on telephone

Due to the constant development of Facebook, the availability and processing of the data

changes all the time, so that I once again refer to the link to Facebook’s privacy policy already

mentioned above for further details.

I use this aggregated data to make my contributions and activities on my Facebook

page more attractive to users. For example, I use the ratios regarding age and gender to

appropriately address my visitors, and stats on when the most interactions take place to post

at the most suitable time. Information about the type of devices used by visitors helps me to

create the most suitable visuals. In accordance with the Facebook ToU, which each user has

agreed to when creating their Facebook profile, I may identify the subscribers and likers of the

page and view their profiles and other shared information about them.

User rights

If you have any questions about your rights, please contact Facebook directly.

You have a right to free information about your personal data stored on Facebook and, if

necessary, a right to correction, restriction of processing or deletion of this data. You also have

the right to data transfer. Finally, you also have the right to complain about Facebook’s processing

of your personal data to the data protection supervisory authority.

If information questions are submitted to me as the site operator, the additional agreement with

Facebook obliges us to forward these questions — whether from private individuals or authorities

— to Facebook within 7 days.

This is also a result of the above-mentioned Controller Addendum:

legal/terms/page controller addendum.

If you need support or have any other questions, please contact me by email at the email

Address supplied above. If you no longer wish to have your data processed in the future as described here, please cancel the connection of your user profile to my/our page by using the function “Unlike this


Information as of February 10, 2020 © 2020 Lawyer Sabrina Keese-Haufs Optional: